Hidden San Diego is a 1-gal operation created in late 2010 by me, Jessica Johnson. Hello! I have always been an adventurer and intrigued by the unknown, constantly seeking out new places to explore.
That lust for new experiences combined with semi-web skills and a love for photography drove me to the realization that I might as well build a website and share these spots with people like you! Growing up in San Diego, I’ve had plenty of years to explore the many beautiful crevices this city has to offer.
Besides running this website I am also an artist and art instructor. I also run Hidden California as well so make sure to check it out as well! And if you're a lover of books, you can purchase the book I wrote, Abandoned San Diego!
If you’re interested in advertising or cross-promoting with this site, please email me: hiddensandiego11@gmail.com
Tah tah!
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mark mojado
very good work thank you !
mark mojado
very good work thank you !
POLICE WON’T HELP – 2 Serial bully women and one of their exhusband’s wealthy software company are calling up CEOs and companies to bully a woman and the community around her. Evidence in two text messages with two of the bullies.
Please pass this on to your Corporate office and to businesses nearby as we cannot reach all of them. This case and evidence has been submitted to the San Diego FBI with the help of House of Representative Duncan Hunter’s office in a Congressional Inquiry asking the FBI to investigate. This has yet to be taken seriously and unfortunately the House of Representatives does not have jurisdiction over the FBI. If you have been solicited and believe this behavior can cause the death of this woman or the accidental death of those around her; or is a civil rights violation of this woman and the community around her as the result of the unsupervised protest of large groups of people coming in from all over into the community, please submit information directly to the LOCAL San Diego FBI online. It is believed these people are meaning to harm this woman. These areas are the responsibility of the FBI. Messages left with the National FBI call center may or may not be sent to the local site however you can submit to both. To ensure that you have been heard contact the Office of Inspector General 202-514- 3435 who does have authority and does oversee the FBI and can pressure them to open the case that is already sitting on their desk waiting to be investigated. An official complaint has already been made here. It is ideal to let them know the House of Representatives has been involved. Government resources suggest also making a complaint to the U.S.Attorney General 1800-544-1106 and to the White House online. All information given online and by phone can be done anonymously. Apologies for bothering you. Thank you for your time.
POLICE WON’T HELP – 2 Serial Bully parents and one of their exhusband’s wealthy software company are calling up CEOs and companies to bully a woman and the community around her – Evidence in two text messages with two of the bullies.
Dear Management Team,
We are so sorry to bother you about this. But if you find this to be true from connections or your workers have been solicited particularly from the San Marcos, Carlsbad and Encinitas locations in San Diego, please share this with your other companies and any newly hired worker across San Diego and the United States, and even globally as these people are calling outside the San Diego area and outside the country.
They are creating a “gang of companies” telling an untrue made up story, and using their connections to crank call her kids. There are people in this community who are watching these companies come into their area to stalk this lady and are scared. So we are praying for a miracle. We are looking for someone to stand up against this company. The bullies themselves are not bright, but the people who stand behind them are. These two serial bully will only ‘pick’ on one victim at a time as they are aware if they bully more than victim, this may allow others to speak up against them. Long term news exposure will keep this bullying group powerless.
It is believed if this woman were to move, these people would and could replicate the mobbing/stalking phenomena to the new location while choosing a new target locally to victimize.
If they call you, they will ask you to provide poor service or to bully this woman. If they can’t get through to you directly, they may try to contact another worker within your company. Most likely they will not target someone who is not local as they need to have someone close by in order to make their story more believable.
The following evidence, even better with this message has been a 100 percent effective in stopping this mobbing/stalking phenomena. The problem is that this company continues to tell this false story newer companies even when they have lost the support from their older ones by sharing this information.
To the community,
**If you have been called by these people or somehow have been involved, please make a San Diego FBI report by searching for the San Diego LOCAL FBI online and do an online “Submit a Tip” – even if it is anonymous. Your message may or may not get to the local San Diego FBI if you submit through a National FBI call site, however you can send information to both. This can also be done anonymously where an FBI Tip can be made online by taking a laptop to a different location i.e. coffee shop, such that your IP address cannot be traced to your home, and do not give your name in your tip.
If you notice strange things going on in your area as a result of this contact the FBI in your city and the local police.
Witnesses to the bullying want nothing to do with this situation as the bullies live within a reachable distance. The police won’t do anything unless things turn physical, or a public nuisance. ONLY if you have been solicited by these people, you can ask the San Marcos Sheriff’s Department why they won’t investigate this issue. They will tell you “saying bad things about a person is not a crime.” In the past year these people already called hundreds of companies to be involved with stalking, bullying and mobbing.
Tell the Local FBI your story as you know it. This is mass harassment and creates an unsafe environment. It is important to give the information that they are asking the public to do which is mobbing and stalking. This case has already been brought to the attention of the FBI and they need to take this case seriously, especially if you have been solicited and believe that this can cause the death of this woman and her family, or an accidental death of those around her as a result of an unsupervised protest of large groups of people coming from all over into the community. To ensure that you have been heard contact the Office of the Inspector General who oversees the FBI at 202-514-3435 and ask for them to pressure the San Diego FBI to open the case that is already sitting on their desk. Government resources suggest calling the US Attorney’s comment line at 1800-544-1106 or contact the White House online.
There are many books on this phenomena if you google “Mobbing.”
There has been a situation where a tall, large white male and a small mixed asian lady, both parents, and possibly accompanied by a third tinier asian lady, have created a heart-felt hate story to anger individuals and their friends in order to bully a woman whose children attend one of our local San Diego North County schools since 2012. A fourth small white woman, possibly mixed Hispanic, was also involved but moved from this school. The driving force of this group is from (2) two of the women, believed to be serial bullies, who have managed to keep the loyalty of the other two parents in their group. They are giving out the bullied woman’s picture as well as the make of her car information. Keep in mind that their target may change in the future to a different woman or man. They may continue doing this for the next few years to come.
They are lying to the ex-husband(or soon to be ex-husband)/and their friends, and their friends’ friends, etc. They are their main supporters. The ex-husband is part of a big computer software company. No one on their end has asked for the other side of the story but only assume the bullies’ story to be true.
They are known to not be truthful as evidence is contained in two (2) detailed, and long sets of messages texted between the bullied woman and two members of this bullying group that contradicts their story. NONE of the bully group supporters know what is in these messages including the exhusband.
One of the messages can be viewed here. It discusses the victim asking one serial bully why she hung around people (ones accusing her) who made her cry; gave her dirty looks; that their kid kicked her kid in the stomach and didn’t do anything about it. The bully admitted this was true. It discusses how the victim and bully were friends for the year and the bully suddenly dropped their friendship at th
All trails where dogs are allowed, you must keep your dog on a leash, yet your pictures constantly show your dog off leash. Set an example for other dog owners.
Some of us have no desire to make contact with your woofie while on a trail, some of us are allergic and don’t want them rubbing up against us. Do us all a favor and keep your dog on a leash. Off leash dogs often go after wild animals and prey on them.