Hello everyone! This is a friendly reminder that any of these fun places we may visit, we are a guest at. Please treat both businesses and trails with the utmost respect. We here at Hidden San Diego follow the 'Leave no Trace' mantra, meaning whatever you bring with you comes back with you. If you see trash on a trail, please do your part to help remove it. Remember, we are not picking up trash from another person but instead cleaning up for Mother Nature. Happy adventures!
32.655387, -116.100113
Dog-Friendly: Yes Kid-Friendly: Yes
Personal Experience: After visiting the Desert View Tower & Boulder Park, we were ready to head on down highway 80 to find some good abandoned homes & maybe even some ghost towns! WELL, that quickly changed when we noticed a few flying saucers on the side of the road with a sign that read "Coyote's Flying Saucer Retrievals & Repairs". Stop the car!
Heading over, we were quickly greeted by the "store" owner, Coyote. What a character this man is! I have never met anyone like him. He comes off as a very sincere man to me, quirky as can be, a forever-child at heart & just brimming with extraterrestrial humor. His store front not only consists of flying saucers, but also a "theater" in the back where they have movie night, projecting the films onto a huge boulder.
When we were bidding farewell, Coyote insisted that we all get inside the saucer for a group photo. Suddenly "Oops!" he hit the wrong button. Next thing you know we were going out for a ride! What an entertaining tour! Especially since this was all unplanned. One second we're driving looking for abandoned homes, next thing you know we're cruising around in a flying saucer! Coyote was an excellent tour guide, pointing out alien sightings & artwork & "portals to new dimensions". It was loads of fun.
We will be back for movie night, you better believe it! He said the real fun happens at night. He also said that they see aliens out there all the time. That part was serious. The rest was just him having fun out in the desert. As we were driving off and continuing to explore nearby, there was evidence of him all over the place. Balanced rocks, clothed sticks (you'll see in the photos). Just too funny. This man really knows how to keep busy while living the quiet, desert life.
I love his homemade kicks, designed to protect him from rattlesnake bites!
The outdoor "movie theater", named Rattlesnake Parlor. Movies such as ET and the X-Files are projected onto the large boulder for screening during movie night:
We got to ride in one of his flying saucers! It was awesome. He has music in there and usually a television. Not to mention it was such an enjoyable tour. Coyote is filled with imagination and suspense. He would be a great camp counselor. He showed us "alien artwork" and different "portals" along the way. So much fun!
BUT, the REAL fun happens at night:
Time portals up in the mountains:
One day I might put this onto t-shirts. For now, here's a fun logo I created in his honor:
I know Coyote quite well. He loves to make people smile. He is very successful at it. He has a great imagination. And who knows if he is not looking down at us from Orion at night.
March 26, 2014
Coyote was a hoot! He is great about posing for pictures and giving UFO rides…all while being highly entertaining. You won’t be disappointed!!
April 28, 2014
how much does it cost? do we need to plan camping with him ahead of time?
November 7, 2014
is this all by jacumba community park? or at least is that a good pace to aim for?
December 16, 2015
Sounds like fun, if you get a few friends together. Btw, cool website…
March 25, 2016
Its not the same tunnel :/ the entrance is the exact same but inside isn’t as the photographer would of taken pics of the “interesting” graffiti and it is said that the way out is not a hole but something else also it is said to be covered in spider webs…very disappointing as I was doing A LOT of research about this and I’ve been out of luck and only finding other tunnels and people with the name “Micheal/Mike Olson” and I haven’t found much about “7-97” but I believe it could mean 7-m-1997(day:7-month:??-year:1997) or possibly d-7-1997(day:??-month:7/July-year:1997) however we can not be sure as it could be some code or the year might of not been 1997 as it could be anything…it could be coded to some sort of Police case or other…this is extremely interesting and I will be sure to continue this research and if you need any information on this or my progression in the case please contact me on instagram:polishhpancakee or twitter:@PolishhPancakee I will be sure to check my messages and things like that and I will be sure to make a contacting email about this…
August 5, 2016
Is it free?
And does it light up every night and is it open everyday?
September 12, 2016
We met Coyote one day by finally stopping by after seeing his set up as my boyfriend and I are into ufology. We had such a great time hanging out with him and riding in his UFO. We had so much fun, I gave him my book: The Theologians of Orion.
July 15, 2017
What were the red lights flashing last night by inkopah Rd we have video
May 25, 2019
Hi! I want to contact Coyote for a project in which we want to shoot at his camp – could anyone here tell me how to get to him? mail or phone would be good.
It would be super helpful and we would much appreciate!
Thank you so much <3
July 10, 2019