Hello everyone! This is a friendly reminder that any of these fun places we may visit, we are a guest at. Please treat both businesses and trails with the utmost respect. We here at Hidden San Diego follow the 'Leave no Trace' mantra, meaning whatever you bring with you comes back with you. If you see trash on a trail, please do your part to help remove it. Remember, we are not picking up trash from another person but instead cleaning up for Mother Nature. Happy adventures!
The property in which the Magic Mountain Airbnb lays has become a very special place to us. I have been visiting this property for around 8 years now and the same magic we experienced the first time visiting still remains. Thank you to Kirk (Ayakel Jaguar Quetzalcoatl) and Twila for once again opening their doors to us!
Upon immediate glance, you may think there is not much to do. It is all about the smaller details though! Photographers, artists, adventurers, hikers, historians, models, desert-lovers and spiritualists will all most likely love this property. You must walk around and become acquainted with your surroundings to truly appreciate it! There are historic trains on this property which I have written about on this page.
They have an additional lodging accomdation on their property which we have stayed at as well called the High Desert Retreat. Check out our experience here!
“The Institute of Perception was founded in 2000. We had been looking for an area that would be used for ourselves and other perceptual artists or seekers to have visions, record music, create painting and sculpture as well as large Earth works inspired by the wild desert… and later as a gathering location for bigger happenings. The abandoned railroad warehouse was the beginning.
As we walked the wild land, we were given ancient ceremonial sites that foretold of the spiritual nature of these grounds. We realized we were on a natural Power Spot. We had chosen this area through our intention to find a magical location that would allow us to evolve our Seeing abilities.
We also needed a natural location close to major cities, making the pilgrimage possible for many to come and be boosted by the land. After ten years of TeleMagica Gathering, which was a large event with over 70 bands in all genres, performing on this wild Power Spot, we rested.
We then wondered about our next move and how to share this Power Spot and all the perceptual sculptures on the grounds: the white pyramid, the Silent Tower, and WaterSight, without the festival chaos. How could we continue to allow people to love the land and the the magic of this place?
The idea that people could walk, sleep, and especially dream with the art inside and outside, opened the door to VRBO.
We would let each new occupant roam in the wondrous landscape, and also wander inside our Museum Airbnb… Our hope has been realized: Guests’ comments and occurrences have met or surpassed our expectations. We often hear the word “magical” or even “life changing experience” from the guests.
Then we know we did something to protect mother Earth, we helped people See how precious and endangered are these wild areas.. and we consider this our best work, restoring, preserving and protecting this land…”
I asked them about Jacumba Peak, which is on their property, in which they had this to say about it: “Long ago a Tolteca group arrived in Jacumba. Jacumba was a trading center, because of the hot springs, but more importantly…because it was a natural Power Spot: a place to receive visions. Jacumba Peak may be the highest around, but that does not make it the most sacred.
It is a lookout station that actually Protects the sacred sites located in all directions at its base. When this Toltec group arrived hundreds of years ago…it was a small party of six warriors…one of their party died.
They buried him at the base of the mountain, and then threw red ochre paint at one of the large boulders where he lay. This marking still exists to this day. Part of the Institute of Perception mission was to reactivate the grounds and the mountain surroundings. We protect the area, and in so doing, also honor it as a Toltec burial ground and Power Spot.”
Check out our video from our stay there! Please note that the hike at the end of the video is not on their property but nearby. We will be giving that hike its own page in the future:
Upon arrival you will be greeted with an unobtrusive warehouse of sorts. This is your home for the evening! Open the doors and the magic begins!
Inside is a world in itself! Marvel at the artwork by owner, Ayakel Jaguar Quetzalcoatl. His work is highly diverse and can also be seen throughout the property. There are deep spiritual and sensual themes throughout his pieces, This man is a true master artist!
I love that you get to sleep on a stage!
One of the things I love most about Airbnb’s is the fact that you truly get to treat the place like your home! No stay is complete without some home-cooked meals! This was our breakfast:
There are historic trains you can explore while staying here. Learn about them on this page!
Their outdoor tub (which does heat up) and a shot of inside the pyramid:
We hiked to the peak nearby to catch this sweet view of their property and the surrounding region. I love seeing mostly open land. So refreshing!
Lots of music-making while here:
Love this spot.
January 2, 2021