Hello everyone! This is a friendly reminder that any of these fun places we may visit, we are a guest at. Please treat both businesses and trails with the utmost respect. We here at Hidden San Diego follow the 'Leave no Trace' mantra, meaning whatever you bring with you comes back with you. If you see trash on a trail, please do your part to help remove it. Remember, we are not picking up trash from another person but instead cleaning up for Mother Nature. Happy adventures!
32.942553, -117.066460
Hike: 2 mile loop Level: Easy
Dog-Friendly: Yes Kid-Friendly: Yes
In 1888, a stagecoach began servicing towns from San Diego to Escondido. The 3 day trip would make a stop at Poway’s post office to deliver mail to the farmers and then spend the night at a rest stop on Old Pomerado rd.
Eight to ten passengers could accompany the stagecoach on its three-day journey for a modest $1.00 fee, or purchase a round trip for the bargain price of $1.50. The route itself, though not treacherous when passing through Poway, did pose a significant challenge to the team and driver at various points.
Windy mountain trails often caused the stage to turn over, spilling both mail and passengers onto the rocky turf. The city of San Diego discontinued the stage line in 1912, when the advent of the automobile facilitated an easier and less time-consuming method of mail delivery. The road station remained in operation until 1961, when Poway achieved an 80% paved road rate. Portions of what is currently Pomerado Road were once US Route 395 in California.
Most of these photos were taken in the springtime when everything was in bloom. Keep in mind that depending on what time of the year you explore here, it can be either green and colorful or rather bland with a lot of dead plants. If you are hiking for photography and bright scenery, go in the spring!
Personal Experience: Old Pomerado Rd. has so much historical background that it is nice enough to possibly visit just for the history alone. Sadly there is not much that remains today to back up its past. If you head west of the road into the woods though, there is a whole world back there for exploring complete with a secret pond!
To the left of Old Pomerado Rd. on Stage Stop Dr. are some old ruins worth investigating, but please view from the road as this is a residence. Stage Stop Dr. used to be one of the stops for the stage coaches to refill. At the end of the road are some old historical buildings and a well but I’ve been told this is all on the owner’s property and he is not okay with visitors so please stay off!
Directions: Start at Bette Bendixen park. Look for the bridge. Walk over the bridge and then head to your left. You will see a trail:
There are wild, climbing roses along part of the hike:Keep taking the trail. You start off along the back of houses. Eventually you will come upon Rabbit pond:
The trail continues at the back west-end of the pond. Keep going and then take the trail south:You’ll have some pretty nice views up here:
Eventually you should go down a hill and end up back on Old Pomerado Rd. There are some cool bridges you will pass to get back to Bette Bendixen Park:
Which are fun to photograph at night!
None found
I appreciate the heads up. There is a gated off private lake that I saw which is separate from this lake. There is a hiking trail directly behind a bar that takes you to this lake and the hiking trail in the photos. There was no indication anywhere that this is private property and instead appeared very welcoming.
May 14, 2013
The lake is known by us locals as rabbit pond, it is privately owned and the owner does not like people playing in or around his lake. All that area is private property. Now you know, take your chances.
May 14, 2013
jodi dragicevich
Rabbit pond spent many years swimming there.SteveSchulz was killed accidentally there.
October 13, 2015
It’s changed a lot since ’77. You could ride your horses all over Poway.
October 14, 2015
I lived on Boulder View Dr for 37 years this was my hike for many years. The industrial area had some stone towers I liked to hide in them.
October 14, 2015
Norma Guzman Kiernan
This is an amazing site. I love local history. I grew up in Poway and now live in Ramona. I’m going to have to take a drive down there. Thank you!
June 10, 2016
Richard Eveland
I have spent many days in and around the area , always went to Rabbit Pond when doing my paper route after picking up my papers on Beeler Creek , and delivering on Cobblestone Creek when it had a Suspension Bridge and the road dipped into the creek where there is now a bridge. The cars would all have to park in the dirt near Poway Rd when it flooded . I lived in Poway Portals , and I am now back in Poway Portals today ! Love my Town ! Thanks for the story and photos !
June 11, 2016
Debbie Tuson
This is great! I spent a number of years in that house as a child! I tell everyone I lived in the “Flintstone” house! Played in the playground on the other side of the bar. Great memories! Thank you for sharing!
June 11, 2016
Joseph Ervine
I have the Original sign that hung outside the “Sportsman” Tavern. I acquired it the last night the sportsman was in business with the help of a friend, Ronnie Montorsi. I believe the Sportsman was owned by the Bland Family. I went to school with Jeff Bland. I still have this sign today and it graces my garage/harley cave. I may not be in Poway today, but Poway is always with me.
November 22, 2016
To the troll below. I lived on that block for the past few years. Do you really wear hiking shoes everytime you take a walk around the block?
October 21, 2017
This dumb girl really adventures out in flats? Dumb girl ha
October 21, 2017
Hi. I saw you on Union Tribune in an interview. wow
January 29, 2018