Hello everyone! This is a friendly reminder that any of these fun places we may visit, we are a guest at. Please treat both businesses and trails with the utmost respect. We here at Hidden San Diego follow the 'Leave no Trace' mantra, meaning whatever you bring with you comes back with you. If you see trash on a trail, please do your part to help remove it. Remember, we are not picking up trash from another person but instead cleaning up for Mother Nature. Happy adventures!
Little Free Libraries is an amazing concept that was created in 2009 by a man named Todd Bol. It all started off with him building a model-sized schoolhouse, filled it with books and put it outside for anyone who needed a book.
The concept was a tribute to his mother, who was a school teacher and loved reading. Very quickly, people fell in love with his mini library and friends began requesting ones for their yards too.
Today there are thousands of Little Free Libraries all over the country. Millions of books are exchanged each year which has greatly increased access to reading for people of all ages.
Studies have shown the profound effect that books have on a child’s mind and development. The studies also show that the more books that are in a house greatly increases the likelihood that the child will learn to love to read.
I grew up in a house full of books and can attest my lifelong love of reading. Nothing is quite as special as an illustrated children’s book though. My imagination went WILD as a kid. I absolutely loved reading!
The Little Free Library is special for so many reasons. I love how each library is crafted differently from all the others and created with an obvious amount of love. This concept is so simple and yet can be so effective if we let it.
The purpose is to get us to read and share our books instead of just throwing them out, selling them or letting them collect dust on our bookshelf. You never know what book may change your life!
3314 Karok Ave:
10444 Cheviot Ct.
2153 Pine St.
2341 Whitman St:
3530 Cooper St.
3412 Quince St:
3530 Cooper St.