Hello everyone! This is a friendly reminder that any of these fun places we may visit, we are a guest at. Please treat both businesses and trails with the utmost respect. We here at Hidden San Diego follow the 'Leave no Trace' mantra, meaning whatever you bring with you comes back with you. If you see trash on a trail, please do your part to help remove it. Remember, we are not picking up trash from another person but instead cleaning up for Mother Nature. Happy adventures!
33.326258792, -117.2357938859
Dog Friendly: Yes Kid-Friendly: Yes
760-728-1251 Hours: 10-3PM Tu-Sun //Mon & Tues-Closed
Diane’s Herbs is one of those nurseries that if you aren’t in the “in” about its whereabouts, there’s a good chance you never knew it existed. They have no website or current social media presence. It’s kind of like you have to just stumble across this place to learn about it. But that’s just the type of place we love to find and spotlight!
Diane’s Herbs was created over 30 years ago by one amazing lady with the name of, you guessed it, Diane! I was lucky enough to meet her the day I visited. She has a very engaging personality and took the time to sit with me and tell me the nursery’s backstory:
They purchased the Fallbrook land over 30 years, she told me, and started the early days off living in a camper while their house was being built. Once their home was built, the area where the nursery sits today, was originally turned into a dirt track for her children.
She always told her kids that once the track was neglected, she was turning it into a nursery. Sure enough, the track stopped getting regular love and one day when the family was out, she rented a Bobcat (never using one in her life) and bulldozed the track down. It was then that Diane’s Herbs was manifested.
When Covid is not present, the nursery offers many different educational classes to help gain greater knowledge with plants Her adorable store-front cottage, which is more of an apothecary, is brimming with herbs, home-made herbal beauty products, potpourri and more! Such an enticing place!
Although small, I am sure most of you who choose to visit will not leave empty handed.
Her nursery specializes in non-GMO heirloom and rare herbs & veggies that you may not find at your average nursery. I purchased one of her hand-made garden salves, homemade potpourri and a variety of veggie plants!
I will definitely be returning one day! They have a lavender field that was not in bloom yet when I visited so I will have to make another trip to photograph that!
I loved their pens!
Here’s Diane and her “stud muffin husband” as she affectionately called him. They’ve been married for 50 years!