Hello everyone! This is a friendly reminder that any of these fun places we may visit, we are a guest at. Please treat both businesses and trails with the utmost respect. We here at Hidden San Diego follow the 'Leave no Trace' mantra, meaning whatever you bring with you comes back with you. If you see trash on a trail, please do your part to help remove it. Remember, we are not picking up trash from another person but instead cleaning up for Mother Nature. Happy adventures!
Phone: (760) 787-0102
33.011304, -116.886015
Dog-Friendly: No Kid-Friendly: Yes
**You must make an appointment to visit**
From their website: Grazin’ Pig Acres, Inc. is a non-profit organization which functions as an animal rescue and sanctuary. We are dedicated to providing a permanent home in a nurturing, safe environment for abused, neglected, abandoned, or unwanted animals, especially pot-bellied pigs.
Although we have a variety of animals at the sanctuary including dogs, cats, rabbits, goats, sheep, horses, and donkeys, we specialize in the physical rescue and care of the pot-bellied pig.
Grazin’ Pig Acres is nestled on 4.3 acres in the San Diego countryside in the town of Ramona. In addition to receiving animals from the San Diego area, we have also obtained pigs from Riverside county, as far north as Bakersfield, and as far east as Yuma, AZ.
We have collaborated during pig rescues with other non-profit organizations such as EAR (Emergency Animal Rescue), the Sandon Shangri-La, and the San Diego Humane Society/Animal Control.”
Helping animals of all kinds is our passion and they truly feel like part of the family. The daily duties and requirements of caring for all the animals is performed by myself and my wife. We have 2 volunteers who also help periodically. We have plans to begin construction on new pig enclosures so we can comfortably accommodate the newest animals.
Upon arrival to our sanctuary, all the animals are assessed for medical wellness and any required veterinary care is provided. All of the animals have been spayed or neutered. Some of the pigs at our sanctuary have ongoing medical conditions which require special medications and treatment; such as, arthritis, bladder stones requiring urine acidification, extreme allergies, and blindness.
Donations are always huge! This rescue is an entire labor of love and quite costly! Their bills run around $1500-$2,000 a month to feed and care for all of the pigs. Other things that are needed are blankets, food and large dog houses. Next time you’re in the area and have some donations laying around, perhaps think of giving them a call! It feels great to help out.
As a person who loves animals and thinks pigs are incredibly adorable, I was very excited to learn about this pot-belly pig rescue in San Diego. This is an incredibly heartwarming place to visit that is filled with love and kindness.
I find it sad that most of these pigs were given up due to neglect or owners who no longer wanted a pig as a pet. As with any pet that you purchase, they should be bought with the intention of them entering their forever home. The owners mentioned that there is no such thing as a teacup pig. It is a lie if a breeder tells you that. These pigs will weigh over 100 lbs. when they are full-grown.
Please do not purchase an animal, who is bonding with you and your family the moment you bring them in, if you are not fully aware of the responsibilities attached to that type of purchase.
Pigs are incredibly kind and intelligent creatures. They make wonderful pets and companions and have similar personality traits to dogs, including wagging their tails when they’re happy!
The owners mentioned that they have reached full-capacity for pig rescues. They are happy to have visitors, but please come with some form of donation as an exchange for visiting. School visits for educational purposes are welcome as well. This is a private residence so make sure to call to make an appointment!
The pigs get let out of their kennels in groups everyday for exercise and an opportunity to socialize:
There is also a horse, donkey, pony and dogs that live here!
They have such expressive eyes!
Sage LOVED it here! She made so many new friends!
The pig’s homes are themed like a town and so adorable!
Here is one of the lovely owners:
How fun!
October 14, 2018
does someone come in to clip their hoofs ?
December 1, 2018
Do u know the location?
June 18, 2019
Kurt castle
Hello I am a local resident and business owner of a probiotic spray company named #Castleslabs #ManureMagic my tested and safe for all spray will eliminate all the odors from all animals safely and is great for the planet and animals . I would like to help u with your odor issues and show you how my product will save u time and money plus make it a much more enjoyable experience for your visitors and animals my spray also makes it so u don’t need to remove their feces it all breaks down into health soil . I have two pigs and going in over 6 years with no odors or removal . Please give me a call and we can get you going . Thank you
February 12, 2024