Hello everyone! This is a friendly reminder that any of these fun places we may visit, we are a guest at. Please treat both businesses and trails with the utmost respect. We here at Hidden San Diego follow the 'Leave no Trace' mantra, meaning whatever you bring with you comes back with you. If you see trash on a trail, please do your part to help remove it. Remember, we are not picking up trash from another person but instead cleaning up for Mother Nature. Happy adventures!
Kit Carson Park sits in a valley that is approximately five miles west of where Kit Carson fought in the Battle of San Pasqual. An historical monument showcasing the battle is located on Mule Hill, one mile southeast of the park. One day I will be writing about this battle and Kit Carson, but that will be for another day.
I’ve hiked this trail multiple times before and would say it’s personally one of my favorites in Escondido, although I do not recommend hiking it alone. It does have a rather creepy vibe. If you only hike it once, do it in early spring after a good amount of rainfall.
There’s a lot going on in this area so you can hit up multiple spots in one day including Queen Califia’s Magical Circle Garden. The hike is shaded with trees and there are small details to take note of such as what appears to be old ruins, a swinging rope across a creek, beautiful trees that hang over the trail and more. It’s quiet and peaceful. Watch out for poison oak as it’s thriving out here!
Trail entrance
33.085567, -117.061632
August 30, 2015
hey can i get legit directions to this cause me and my friend have hiked this so many times and found none of this stuff
August 30, 2015
What area did you guys head in at? Been here multiple times but never saw the tree’s with graffiti or that fence. Ive been to queen califia’s but never entered the park from that side. Is that where all this is? Thanks!
October 24, 2015
Please, can you tell me approx how long this trail is?
Thank you!
November 3, 2015
@Moriah I found this trail and I’d say it takes make 45 mins or so depending how fast you go, we stopped allot to take photos,lol
November 28, 2015
To get here park at LR Green school and cross the street, you will see some work out benches. You will see lots of squirrels and rabbits which is pretty cool but you will also see people living out here and usually run into a tagger or someone doing drugs which some people might be comfortable with.
May 31, 2016