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The Heartbreak Hotel is a private residence that we will not be providing directions to out of respect to the owners


About the Heartbreak Hotel

Located in a traditional suburban neighborhood in Escondido is one house that stands FAR out from the rest of them. There is no missing the eye-catching ‘Heartbreak Hotel’. The morphing of a standard suburban home into a 1950’s museum-esque living space was all done by one man, Andre Villa.  The process has been a slow progression of almost 50 years.

Andre says that he was inspired by American culture as a child and would often go to the movies.  Marilyn Monroe was one of the first Hollywood legends he really took notice to and she is now part of the main theme of his home.  James Dean, Elvis Presley and John Wayne are the other three heavy hitters throughout.

The house sits like a shrine paying homage to his favorite actors and movies which he says helped shape his life.  When Villa ran out of room downstairs, he began decorating the attic and garage!

While you’re in the area, make sure to visit Felicita Park nearby!

Even the toilet seat has been replaced with a guitar!  The backyard must be a blast for parties.  An old jukebox plays all the hits and the bar is fully stocked.  There’s also a waterslide and rooftop deck with Marilyn Monroe watching from a bench nearby.

Personal Experience

I feel like Andre is one of San Diego’s legends and am honored to have gotten the opportunity to have met him.  If you do find the home, please appreciate from outside as this is a private residence.

There is plenty to feast your eyes on from the outside as you will see!  Anyone who gets the opportunity to stop by can see what a labor of love this has been.  It is truly exquisite to see in person!

The beer garden:It’s all lit up at night!

The inside of the house is even more impressive than the outside!  It is set up like a pristine museum and yet this is a couple’s living space!hidden san diego merchNo corner is left untouched, including their bedroom!

The man behind it all:

Their backyard looks killer for throwing parties!become a hidden san diego member

The husband and wife duo:

Check out this insightful documentary on the home!


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5 Reviews

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5 Reviews


  • Anonymous
    Rating Overall Rating Difficulty Finding

    So, this incredible house is not open to the public? If I am wrong, how do make a reservation to visit?

    Diane Johnson

    November 7, 2018

  • Anonymous
    Rating Overall Rating Difficulty Finding

    This house is not too far from mine. I love that you did a piece on it. I sometimes drive out-of-towers by for a fun little neighborhood sightseeing. Glad more people can now get a glimps at this place. It definitely deserves to be in the spot light for a minute. ?❤️?

    November 8, 2018

  • Anonymous
    Rating Overall Rating Difficulty Finding

    Looks so cool! I wonder if they decorate for Christmas…

    November 9, 2018

  • Anonymous
    Rating Overall Rating Difficulty Finding

    I love it! !! It’s beautiful and amazing! Thank you for sharing 🙂

    November 15, 2018

  • Anonymous
    Rating Overall Rating Difficulty Finding

    Really nice video, thanks for sharing.

    February 25, 2019

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