Hello everyone! This is a friendly reminder that any of these fun places we may visit, we are a guest at. Please treat both businesses and trails with the utmost respect. We here at Hidden San Diego follow the 'Leave no Trace' mantra, meaning whatever you bring with you comes back with you. If you see trash on a trail, please do your part to help remove it. Remember, we are not picking up trash from another person but instead cleaning up for Mother Nature. Happy adventures!
The Knotstop is a professional massage and skincare spa boutique located in the heart of Hillcrest. The first the time I entered their shop I was really taken back by how aesthetically pleasing it is. They have a lovely boutique at the front with many carefully-curated items to admire and purchase such as candles, skincare supplies and accessories. I loved looking at all the details!
I visited during the Covid chaos when new rules and regulations were being made weekly if not daily. So many businesses have had to twist and bend to make ends meet to follow the latest guidelines. In record time the Knotstop converted their back parking lot into an outdoor massage parlor, with individual cabanas for safety and privacy.
I started with a 1-hour massage and literally had to fight to stay awake. It felt sooooo good that my natural response was to fall asleep! I don't think we realize how stiff many of our bodies are until we get one of these deep massages. They really got into all my crevices and I felt amazing afterwards! I am a big believer in doing whatever we can to keep our blood flowing freely. Blood stagnation and lymph node build-up can lead to a lot of serious diseases over time. I myself deal with neuropathy and poor blood flow to the left side of my body because of an old injury and am constantly having to find ways to get my blood moving correctly.
Afterwards myself I got stretched. Sounds simple enough but I had NO clue what I was getting myself into. My limbs were being pulled further than they've ever been pulled before. It was a bit scary, not gonna lie! After my treatment though, and especially after the massage session too, I left feeling like a child again. My body felt so free and my brain even felt clearer! It was such a great experience. Next time I want to try one of their facials!
When you first arrive you will enter their cute boutique:
Lots of beautiful items to marvel over and possibly purchase!
I then sat in the lounge waiting to be called to my session:
Thank you Knotstop! Until next time!