Hello everyone! This is a friendly reminder that any of these fun places we may visit, we are a guest at. Please treat both businesses and trails with the utmost respect. We here at Hidden San Diego follow the 'Leave no Trace' mantra, meaning whatever you bring with you comes back with you. If you see trash on a trail, please do your part to help remove it. Remember, we are not picking up trash from another person but instead cleaning up for Mother Nature. Happy adventures!
Phone: (619) 685-0005
32.944705, -117.106622
Hike: There are a few trails that begin from this spot
Dog-Friendly: Yes Kid-Friendly: Yes
The 1986 murder of twenty year-old Cara Knott by California Highway Patrol Office Craig Peyer was a case that shook the San Diego region like an earthquake. It frightened women young and old, it horrified parents who wanted to believe their daughters were safe in our community, and it engendered a gut level distrust of police that persists in many to this day.
It still evokes a visceral reaction from hundreds of thousands of San Diegans, and it was every bit as shocking back then as was the Chelsea King and Amber Dubois murders that brought the region to its emotional knees a quarter of a century later.
One tangible manifestation of the Knott tragedy is the San Diego Crime Victims Oak Garden located near the site where Cara’s body was dumped just northeast of the intersection of Interstate 15 and Mercy Road.
To reach the park, exit Interstate 15 at the Mercy Road/Scripps Poway Parkway exit, go east and make a U-turn at Scripps Highland Drive 300 yards from the freeway, take the first right into Cara Way and proceed north to the park.
The creative force behind the oak garden concept was Cara’s grieving father Sam Knott who lobbied for the better part of a decade to have the area dedicated to his daughter. His work reached fruition in 1996 when the site was dedicated as the Cara Knott Memorial Oak Garden.
It was re-dedicated in 1999 as the San Diego Crime Victims Memorial Garden, undoubtedly with the blessing of the Knott family. In that year, Sam Knott transplanted scores of Oak saplings that the family had grown from acorns in their back yard.
Since its dedication the park has grown into an oasis where the lives of dozens of victims of crime and violent death are commemorated. It is the gathering point for periodic events in which family and friends of those who are remembered here gather and continue the process of recovery. It has also become something of a destination for followers of paranormal phenomena.
I’ve lived in this area for much of my life and have driven on Scripps Poway Pkwy numerous times each month. I am quite familiar with the Cara Knott case and was also aware of the memorial created in her name. I had briefly searched for the location in the past but was unable to find the location. When I finally did find it, I was shocked to find this seemingly hidden road right before the 15 North freeway, called Cara Way.
This area is both beautiful and also brimming with pain. The story of Cara and her father is heartbreaking and you can feel the grief everywhere. I recommend that if you do visit this area, to come with something to help make it more colorful and beautiful. It doesn’t seem to receive too much upkeep, but could definitely use the love.
The bridge is the starting point of a great hiking trail know as the Rancho PQ Trans County Trail. If you continue taking the trail you will pass Eichar’s Grave and eventually end up at the PQ Waterfall. This is a full day trip if you want it to be!
Hidden below the 15 freeway is this smaller bridge. This is the bridge that Cara Knott was thrown off of after a patrol officer strangled her:
The memorial garden is difficult to walk through, although a beautiful tribute to so many lives lost:
A nice gazebo to relax at:
I’ve been wanting to somehow coordinate a beautification of that place. It’s so sad these days. I am an art teacher and have thought of having my students make little ornaments and such to re-vamp it. If you know anyone that would like to be part of this, let me know!
July 30, 2014
I went there today and I had a very nice time today, when i went there i could feel the sadness all around me but still the importance. I almost thought I was in the wrong place but the most important thing to find the memorial is to keep going straight and go down all the way to Cara way
August 2, 2015
I’ve been here many times
September 5, 2016
June 2017 – The oaks have grown up so the grove is lovely. The best way to get there (if you have the time) is from the park at the southern end of La Tortola. Take the dirt road to the left off the park and walk to the stream. Cross the stream on stepping stones. Turn left on the south side of the stream. The path follows the stream east to the freeway. Going under the freeway, you can see the “art” and other detritus left by a different community of lost souls. When you emerge east of the freeway you can see the bridge that Cara was dumped off of, and not much farther is the oak garden.
June 26, 2017
Is there a list of the names of people that have memorials here? I noticed that some of the memorials have a number with the name so I was wondering if someone keeps track of the names at the memorial. I would like to get the names if possible.
August 20, 2017
John walsh
New years 1987 I swear I met Cara’s sister in Boston on new years at the Metro in Boston Mass, after that I came across the horrible crime it has been 31 years since then, I would just like to thank her for the dance that night,
January 13, 2018
I went there today and saw a lot of beautifully painted rocks. The oaks are happy for the rain they got just wish all the gardening tools were still around to do cleanup with. Great place to have a bite to eat and relax .
January 22, 2018
May 23, 2019 Dianne
I see so many comments here and other websites that the memorial is in need of cleanup. I have not been there as of yet and would love to. I can remember this incident as if it happened yesterday. And yes I was one of those scared 20 year olds scared to death to drive up and down the 15 or so much as look at a CHP or trust them. It would be so nice if CHP officers would raise money in honor of Cara & make it an official memorial site and clean up crew volunteers go in once a month from the CHP and clean it up. IDK. just a suggestion.
May 24, 2019
If the area is in really bad shape, maybe a cleanup could be part of an Eagle Scout project? I don’t know all that entails, but it certainly seems doable.
August 26, 2019
Gigi E
Just recently visited this memorial with my sister. We’ve lived in the area our whole lives and knew the memorial existed. At the time we learned of it, the garden was the Cara Knott memorial garden. It has been renamed to Crime Victim’s Memorial Oak Garden. It could use TLC. The overgrown plants have taken over some of the memorials. I love to garden to fun, it’d make my soul incredibly happy to plant native wildflowers and bring colorful garden ornaments to the area. If anyone plans to coordinate a beautification project, I’d love to be a part of it. Friends of Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve would be great to coordinate a project with.
December 8, 2019
I might also add that Cara’s father had a heart attack at the site. So so sad. The off ramp was once called Mercy Road and it was closed for a while after this happened. Craig Peter has preyed on many people, but especially Volkswagens. He was a graduate of Kearny, which is where I graduated. Kind of creepy! Cara was a wonderful artist. I didn’t realize that this had been turned into a memorial for many. ?
April 25, 2020
Who owns this park, who maintains it and how can we volunteer to help?
June 11, 2020
This tragedy is just one negative reminder of how some pigs still get away with cold blooded murder. He is going to be free out of prison soin because of covid 19. …what an injustice. Leave that slimebag peyer in prison 4 life!
May 4, 2021
Joseph C.
Come help the North Park Lions Club do a clean-up/maintenance of the Garden, Sunday, September 24, 2023, 9:00 – Noon, at the garden. And stay for brunch afterward as guest of the Club.
August 28, 2023
for anyone who wants to know who maintains this property and how they can help, the crime victims memorial garden is part of los peñasquitos canyon preserve and can be accessed by foot or bike, but not vehicles. You can park at the locked gate and walk down the paved road, or you can hike to it via the Knott Grove Trail or Cypress Hill trail. It is my understanding that San Diego Public Utilities controls access to the paved road and has been keeping the gate locked due to issues with vandalism and graffiti, which was painted over earlier this year and looks great.
I too have been interested in an organized cleanup of the grove but have not made much headway there. I go down there somewhat often because I maintain a memorial there, and I take that opportunity to pick up trash and sweep dirt and leaves off the memorials and do my best to keep it a sacred space of grief and remembrance and respect for anyone who feels the pull to go there. So please, if you are able to make the walk down to the grove from the cul de sac at Cara Way, please take the opportunity to pick up trash while you’re there and leave the place a little better than you found it. I am so grateful that this place exists and it deserves respect.
October 25, 2024