Hello everyone! This is a friendly reminder that any of these fun places we may visit, we are a guest at. Please treat both businesses and trails with the utmost respect. We here at Hidden San Diego follow the 'Leave no Trace' mantra, meaning whatever you bring with you comes back with you. If you see trash on a trail, please do your part to help remove it. Remember, we are not picking up trash from another person but instead cleaning up for Mother Nature. Happy adventures!
This is a private residence. Please call if you would like to book a visit.
About the Labyrinth: "We started building the canyon labyrinth, largely with the help of neighbors and people who signed up on our Meetup page . It's been an interesting and rewarding 'journey'.
The labyrinth is approximately 35' in diameter and sits on a plateau, just below our home and bordering the Juniper Canyon (City Trail). The 'circuits' (paths) are made of decomposed granite; the 'walls' (path markers) are made of clay brick, buried in the earth. We are currently landscaping around the labyrinth with native plants and rocks from the canyon.
Although the Labyrinth 'rests' on our land, it was build to bring together people from all over, interested in experiencing labyrinth walking. Â Arrangements to visit and 'walk the land' or any inquiries can be made by contacting us through the phone or email provided above. We welcome your interest and participating in this unique and gratifying experience. Jack & Ellen.
Walking The Labyrinth: Combining sacred geometry with spirituality, this single continuous path brings together body, mind, and spirit through a walking meditation. Labyrinths have appeared throughout history in various cultures all over the world. They are considered sacred and symbolic of life's journey. Unlike a maze, there is only one path so we can't get lost or distracted by trying to 'figure out' how to go. If you stay on the path, you are destined to find the 'center'. As we walk, our busy, chattering minds get a chance to quiet themselves . . . and our feet naturally follow the single path to the center and back out again.
Some tips to get the most out of your walk: Relax, walk at your own pace. Let the labyrinth guide you--there is no wrong way to walk a labyrinth. Don't be afraid to pass others or be passed. You may be walking alone or sharing the experience--both are powerful in different ways. Walk with an open heart and mind, go within, and focus on your personal self-healing journey by balancing your body, mind, and spirit. Be open to experiencing "what is" and walk without judgment of yourself or others. What often happens on and around the labyrinth is that life is gently reflected back to you to guide you towards healing.
Before you begin, stand outside the entrance, take a few deep breaths. You may wish to focus on a question, challenge, or joy and blessings in your life. The path into the labyrinth can be used to "release" and let go of everyday life stresses. Walkers often "receive" an insight or inspiration by standing or sitting in the center for a period of time.
As you "return" along the same path to the entrance, focus on integrating any insights you may have received. Thank you for walking today, and may peace and healing be with you.
Personal Experience: After looking through Google satellite one day I came upon a labyrinth at the end of a hiking trail. The trail made it seem like a pretty quick and easy hike and so we set out to find it! Unfortunately, the actual hike was nothing like the satellite image suggested. It was obvious the trail was no longer maintained and we were having to walk through thick brush, which made it pretty awkward considering I invited my friend and her children (some very young). Even more upsetting was when we ended up at a large fence with a private property sign! Apparently the hike to the labyrinth was no longer public access!
I had one more strategy getting to the labyrinth, and that was going to an address that was marked as being affiliated with the labyrinth. I just wanted to see what it looked like from the outside. When we arrived I was bummed to see it was just a normal home and felt awkward ringing the doorbell. My friend didn't want to give up though and said he wanted to knock on the door. After about 15 minutes he came back to the car saying "the owners are really nice and said we can come in and check out the labyrinth". So that we did!
The owners, Jack Heinowitz and his wife Ellen Eichler, were incredibly kind and guided us through their property, allowing us to walk the labyrinth and enjoy our time while there. As it turns out, due to some condos that have gone up in the past few years, you no longer can hike straight to the labyrinth. You would now have to go through private property in order to get here. If you are interested in visiting their property and doing the labyrinth walk, I encourage you to shoot them an email or give them a call!
As written above, we started the trip off going by what Google Satellite showed, which appeared to be an easy and visible trail straight to the labyrinth.
Very quickly we realized this was not an easy hike. The trail was overgrown and incredibly awkward trying to navigate through. If we didn't have the map pulled up on our phone, I would have thought we had gone off-trail!
We still had fun though!
After walking back to the car, we drove to the address that was shown to be related to the labyrinth. The owners were kind and let us in and allowed us to explore!
Re-charge yourself through a self-guided meditation walk and enjoy the beautiful & colorful grounds while doing so!
The beautiful owners of the property, Jack & Ellen:
None found
Nancy Heins-Glaser
I attended the ” build the labyrinthe”
meet ups several years ago and had hoped to reach the heinowitz family.
It means alot to find this kind spiritual family as i was from his area known as south orange – maplewood, nj connected to his friend Ms Mel White
June 26, 2023