Scavenger Hunt Winners
Here is where you can learn about our past Scavenger Hunts and the winners who found the lucky eggs!
After dreaming this up for several years, we have finally begun our scavenger hunts! Below is a list of the scavenger hunts we have held so far and the winners:
Hunt #8
The 8th egg was hidden at the Presidio Park Hiking Trails. Winner received:
* Full photo shoot for 2 people ($40 value) through Julian Olde Timey Photo
* 12 artisan candles, locally made in the mountains of Julian ($96 value) through Mountain Made Me
* $35 gift certificate to Wynola Flats Produce
* $25 Regulars Wanted gift certificate
* (2) Hidden San Diego stickers
Hunt #7
The 7th egg was hidden at the Solana Beach Coastal Rail Trail:
Hunt #6
This egg was hidden at the Old Cactus Garden in Balboa Park. Winner received the following:
Hunt #5
The 5th hunt was held at Old Poway Park and was hidden in one of the train carts! Congratulations to Linda and her children on finding the egg!
They won the following prizes:
* Piyoga Evergreen scrunched bottom yoga pants. One size fits all. $40
* Camp Bum $25 gift card towards merchandise or activity of your choice!
* Amarika’s Habanero Pepper Sauce $8
* Greensplease $10 gift card for items of your choice
* 3 of our new Hidden San Diego stickers!
Hunt #4
The fourth hunt was held at the Machado y Stewart Museum in Old Town. Congratulations to Keith for finding the hidden egg!
He won the following prizes:
* $50 gift card to Parq Nightclub! This goes towards their restaurant, drinks & club entry!
* (2) concert tickets to Desert Daze Caravan at the House of Blues courtesy of Listen SD $72 value!
* Mountain Made Julian soy candle in scent Julian Apple Orchard $8 value
* $5 Greensplease token
The egg had a $99 value!
Hunt #3
Our third hunt was held at the Coronado Sand Dune’s Secret Message. It required a little digging but was still found in under an hour! What we are learning is if you want to participate in the hunts, leave the second you receive our email with the clues!
They won the following prizes:
* Hand-designed shark patch by artist Pacificyo $7.50 value
* $20 gift card to Burger Bench
* Mountain Made Julian soy candle in the scent Fresh Lemon Cake $8 value
* Sacred Seed Mama Mala necklace with authentic Indian rudraksha seeds $55 value
This egg had a $90.50 value!
Hunt #2
Our second hunt was held at Hosp Grove in Scripps Ranch and was hidden in a fairy house! Congratulations to Silvia and her daughter for finding the house and lucky egg!
They won the following prizes:
*4 activity package passes to Fort Cross Old Timey Adventure‘s Lilac Festival in Julian. This place is SO much fun to visit!!
* $20 gift card for product(s) or service of your choice at Lavish. These ladies make all their beauty products from scratch! Such a cool job!
* Amarika’s Best Firecracker Hot Sauce $8 value
The value of this egg was almost $160!
Hunt #1
Our first hunt was held at the Secret Swings. Congratulations to Nicole for finding the hidden egg!
She won the following prizes:
▪ $100 gift certificate to Fort Cross Old Timey Adventures! We absolutely LOVE this place! You can check out our adventure here and visit their website here!
â–ª Amarika’s Best Hot Pepper Sauce! I have officially become obsessed with their hot sauces and can vouch that it is delicious! $8 value.
▪ Autographed 8X12″ double exposure film print and hand-designed shark patch by local artist  Pacifico Luis Ortiz $27.50 value
This egg had a $135 value!