Hello everyone! This is a friendly reminder that any of these fun places we may visit, we are a guest at. Please treat both businesses and trails with the utmost respect. We here at Hidden San Diego follow the 'Leave no Trace' mantra, meaning whatever you bring with you comes back with you. If you see trash on a trail, please do your part to help remove it. Remember, we are not picking up trash from another person but instead cleaning up for Mother Nature. Happy adventures!
This is a beach that I have been going to since I was a child. My grandpa would take my mom and her siblings there when they were children because of the strange rock formations. Part of the reason that this beach is so hidden and secluded is because it is difficult to get to.
A shot of my grandma at Mushroom Beach in the 40’s
The whole adventure reminds me of a video game: first making it around the small cove which is only easily accessible if the tide is low. Then making it around the actually quite dangerous white wall. I was watching kids go back and forth like it was nothing, but it’s actually pretty frightening. The white wall is the part that will turn many people away.
You can try to get there from the bottom when the tide is lower which may be much safer. Once you make it past this part though, you’re in! You will then be welcomed by a beach that I like to break down into 4 segments (or levels). I haven’t named the segments yet but maybe I will one day.
This beach is for those who prefer seclusion, enjoy tide pools and the smaller details that the ocean shore can offer. There is an over-abundance of interesting things to do and see in this area and there is a little something for everyone.
You have arrived:
This beach goes on for awhile and can be broken off into different segments. The first part is the true “mushroom beach” because of the shapes. The next segment shown below is flatter but there are still plenty of tide pools and pretty scenery:
The next area you can only get to if the tide is low. Otherwise you’re swimming and possibly crashing into the wall! If the tide is low, then you can view Mother Nature’s artwork on the walls!
My friend, Pacificyo, found this really cool starfish!
I love the homes here. They have such interesting entrances to the beach:
We’ve caught some great sunsets here!
None found
Sorry Eric (mod)
But no can do!
August 12, 2014
Nice little spot. I love the how everything there is naturally occuring. Shame that some people can’t be responsible and respect the area.
May 10, 2015
April Marie
Where is this beautiful hidden beach?
August 14, 2016
This little spot is beautiful! That instrumental album is excellent also. I listened to it when I was here.
November 26, 2016
This is one of the best spots I’ve been to in awhile! It was full of magic and wonder. Lots of life and sea side fun! It was fairly easy to find with the directions given and there was so much to see. We only explored maybe half of the area due to the tide coming back in. Can’t wait to plan another trip at low tide!
April 8, 2021