
Hello everyone! This is a friendly reminder that any of these fun places we may visit, we are a guest at. Please treat both businesses and trails with the utmost respect. We here at Hidden San Diego follow the 'Leave no Trace' mantra, meaning whatever you bring with you comes back with you. If you see trash on a trail, please do your part to help remove it. Remember, we are not picking up trash from another person but instead cleaning up for Mother Nature. Happy adventures!

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We are no longer offering directions to the Martian Mountains

The Martian Mountains were named after Olympus Mons, which is the largest volcano on Mars. Olympus Mons resembles the shape of the large volcanoes that make up the Hawaiian Islands. Resembling a less populated and untouched Mushroom Caves, this area seems like the perfect set for a sci-fi movie and a great opportunity to step away from the trivialities of modern-day society.

These mountainscapes are a cluster of slot canyons that were created over thousands of years from water pouring over the sandstone, creating narrow corridors and fantastic eroded designs. This area is not necessarily safe and even though I had my dog I greatly wish I hadn't brought her. It is not dog (nor kid) friendly in my opinion, and having her held us back from exploring many areas I would have otherwise ventured into.

Because this area is sacred and untouched by the hands of people prone to destroying all things beautiful, we will be refraining from giving directions to the public. Once the Mushroom Caves gained popularity they were destroyed by graffiti within a couple years. It took a whole team to clean it up and the area is now open to the public. Due to so much heavy foot traffic, it is now far more difficult for the area to get vandalized. On the flip side, it is also hard to enjoy the area with so many people around. With that said, welcome the new Mushroom Caves:

This is the perfect spot to enjoy the sunset:

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7 Reviews

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7 Reviews


  • Anonymous
    Rating Overall Rating Difficulty Finding

    Did you name it?

    November 26, 2016

  • ivy
    Rating Overall Rating Difficulty Finding

    MT, this location won’t come up on Google as its not officially named Martian mountains by the county. You either have to know this location through self discovery and exploration or pay the members fee to get the location. As a San Diego native who has ventured – I can say it’s a beautiful place that I’ve respected well before hidden San Diego cane across it.

    November 26, 2016

  • MT
    Rating Overall Rating Difficulty Finding

    Where in San Diego is this? Googled, but didn’t find anything. Thank you!

    November 26, 2016

  • Anon
    Rating Overall Rating Difficulty Finding

    You should post where it is and leave it up for 24 hours then delete it so some people (like me) can get to it but you don’t have to worry about everyone having access to the location. Just a thought

    December 4, 2016

  • Jasper outcalt's grave
    Rating Overall Rating Difficulty Finding

    Linda Vista Cemetery

    Interactive map and GPS data:

    GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 32.88007, Longitude: -117.09181

    here is the GPS locator- just south of the Alliant U campus

    December 11, 2016

  • aonon
    Rating Overall Rating Difficulty Finding

    Thats on the north side of one of the lagoons, so that narrows it down. i see formations like this near the 56 freeway and carmel mtn road/el camino real area, but its not near water

    December 11, 2016

  • Anonymous
    Rating Overall Rating Difficulty Finding

    Ive always had a feeling that spot would be good for photos

    December 19, 2016

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