Wild and Edible

Wild and Edible


Our Wild & Edible series showcases different wild and edible plants in the San Diego region.  The purpose of this section is to educate the masses about our native plants and their uses.  We feel it is important to have this knowledge in case you are ever stuck in a sticky situation, such as being lost on a hike and need to forage in order to survive. It also helps re-connect us to the land which sadly, most of us are being pulled further and further away.

Native plants may grow on your own property, or a friend’s property, in which case it is completely legal to harvest from. Plant nurseries often have a native plant section as well, in which case you can purchase your own plants! Otherwise, wild harvesting is considered illegal in most places in San Diego. Learn your plants and grow your wisdom! Wisdom is power, afterall.

Lemonade Berry

**This post is part of our Wild & Edible series, where we showcase various wild and edible plants in San Diego and their uses.** We feel it is important to have this knowledge in case you are ever stuck in a sticky situation, such as being lost on a hike and need to forage in order to survive. It also […]

Wild & Edible: Sour Fig Ice Plant

**Our Wild & Edible series showcases different wild and edible plants in the San Diego region.  The purpose of this section is to educate the masses about our native plants and their uses.  We feel it is important to have this knowledge in case you are ever stuck in a sticky situation, such as being lost on a hike and […]

Miner’s Lettuce

History Miner’s Lettuce received its name after the California Gold Rush.  Historically, the miner’s who were in great need of nutritious food sources, would harvest this green due to its high Vitamin C content. Growing in abundance along shaded areas, the lettuce became a valuable food source. Worldly explorers who came across the lettuce were so impressed with not only […]

Heart of Palm

**Our Wild & Edible series showcases different wild and edible plants in the San Diego region.  The purpose of this section is to educate the masses about our native plants and their uses.  We feel it is important to have this knowledge in case you are ever stuck in a sticky situation, such as being lost on a hike and […]


Harvesting Elderberry Elderberry is one of our city’s healthiest wild fruits, growing in canyons all throughout San Diego. Related to the honeysuckle plant, the elderberry bush showcases edible white flowers in small clusters and light blue fruits which resemble blueberries. The berries are ready to harvest in July when they are no longer green.  When they are green they are […]


Acorns   Every plant growing in the wild has either an edible or medicinal purpose.  When you realize this, an entire world of opportunity opens up all around you.  It is our mission to slowly cover the plants growing wild in San Diego and learn about their uses. This article will discuss acorns! Acorns are the nut of the oak […]

Pink Peppercorn

  All throughout San Diego grows an invasive tree often considered to be a nuisance.  That would be the Peruvian pepper tree, commonly found on every block practically! What most people don’t realize is that this tree has a very valuable berry (not truly a pepper) that only grows in warm regions such as San Diego! Peruvian pepper, more commonly […]

Stinging Nettle

Next up on the list of native plants with medicinal and/or culinary benefits is Stinging Nettle! First of all, this little plant has a huge attitude problem! I have had more than a couple incidences with it and let me tell you, it has quite a sting! That  will turn many people away from ever learning how amazing this plant […]

Wild Fennel

Fennel has had a rich history since the ancient days, being revered by the Greeks and the Romans for its medicinal and culinary properties and even spiritual powers. Although originally found only in Europe, today fennel is used and grown throughout the world. We are very fortunate to have this herb growing wild in San Diego. Fennel belongs to the […]

Wild Mint

If you’ve ever explored any of the creeks or rivers in San Diego, you may have spotted wild mint growing along the edges of the water. Mint can be easily identified by its scent, which we should all recognize either from our toothpaste or mint gum! Crush it in your fingers and give it a smell. You should immediately be […]

Wild Mustard

The Mustard plant is one that has been around since the Hellenistic and Roman time. However, it is not known when the mustard plant was domesticated. The domestication process is thought to have started in Western Asia and even in parts of Europe. The reason the domestication is thought to have started here is because the mustard plants relatives were […]


Today I want to talk about dandelion. This “weed” is probably in everyone’s yard and is known as a complete and utter nuisance. Upon my research I found out that there is an AMAZING list of health benefits that come from consuming this plant. Let’s read: * Prevents or cures liver diseases, such as hepatitis or jaundice * Acts as […]


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