Hello everyone! This is a friendly reminder that any of these fun places we may visit, we are a guest at. Please treat both businesses and trails with the utmost respect. We here at Hidden San Diego follow the 'Leave no Trace' mantra, meaning whatever you bring with you comes back with you. If you see trash on a trail, please do your part to help remove it. Remember, we are not picking up trash from another person but instead cleaning up for Mother Nature. Happy adventures!
Dog-Friendly: No Kid-Friendly:No
**No-Trespassing Zone**
It has been more than 80 years since John Funk built this house which was all but destroyed in the 2003 cedar fire. All that remains today is the stone foundation. I feel there is a lot more to explore in this area and have read that there are more stone remnants built by Funk in this vicinity. Another day we will dig deeper.
This road was once part of the original stagecoach rd. that connected San Diego to Escondido. A terrible tragedy occurred in the 1800's where a whole family was murdered at the stagecoach stop nearby after some thieves stole their firearms.
Although the stagecoach days were gone before Funk moved here, he still preferred to ride horseback for the majority of his transportation. The home they built on their land consisted of 2 bedrooms and a stone outhouse complete with the first hand-dug pool in town.
This was a very talked-about pool and people would come from all over to swim in it. Despite all the attention, Funk was actually a very private man and did not like a lot of company. On several occasions it was said that he ran off trespassers with a shotgun.
Funk is responsible for helping to pave this road. Before it was nothing but a dirt path. In fact, their trusty tractor, affectionately known as Big Bertha still lays on the grounds to this day. When John's son, Bill, passed away in 1993 he left the ranch to his wife, Carol. Although Carol realized she was taking on a huge task caring for the ranch and horses, she also acknowledged what an honor it was.
She was quoted saying "When I look back on the history of this place and what the land and lifestyle meant not only to Bill, but to his father as well, I feel it is my duty to carry on the legacy of western tradition started by John Funk over 80 years ago".
The reason it got it's name as a hobbit home is the design, similar to hobbit homes you would see in movies with the roof being a hill! Although any garden that was grown on top is long gone, I would like to imagine this home was quite charming in it's heyday!
There are some really beautiful details if you pay attention. Who ever built this house was obviously an artist. Stained glass touches created from bottles and marbles embedded in the foundation:
There was an outdoor pool here:
Just went to visit this place today! There is more grafitti now and pipes/garbage laying around. ? but still a neat little spot. There was also one of the largest spiders I’ve ever seen inside. The owner of the land stopped us as we were leaving, very nice and asked us if we were ok or lost but was sure to stress that it was private property.
September 12, 2015
Nice! I’ve wondered about that place every time I cycle thru. A pair of coyotes were playing around in front of it last time I rode by this summer, so I didn’t get a closer look. Thanks for getting the story!
November 6, 2015
I took my horse here the other day. LOTS of nettle.
The owners lived in trailers on the property up until a year or so ago with their horses. They couldn’t rebuild due to cost. They’re in a flood plane and would have had to lift the whole foundation before even rebuilding the house. The city told them they couldnt live in trailers on the property do they had no choice but to abandon it.
April 4, 2016
How would one get here
November 17, 2017
Used to love to explore this area. Went the other day and it is now all fenced off.
January 8, 2018
I would love to find this place & explore the land. Will someone please tell me how to get here.
January 24, 2018