January 2021

  Purchase his book (he said to email him at Onstarrr@gmail.com to purchase at the moment)  Instagram This page is part of our "Influencers" section, where I will tell the stories of historic figures of the past as well as present day people who are positively influencing our city. I plan on doing a deep-comb of every person featured and really learning who

About Coronado's Swastika Building When one thinks of Coronado, sandy beaches, cookie-cut houses and the Hotel Del may come to mind.  One would most likely not think about swastika-shaped buildings on the naval base being a thing, but alas, this is not a myth!   So what is the deal with these buildings? From what I have been able to gather, the architect

It has been brought to my attention that the amount of trash and disrespect that happens in our mountains every time it snows is of horrific levels.  I spoke with several locals and would like to share with you what they are experiencing. The first account is from Emily Burgueno who is from the Santa Ysabel Reservation which is a tribe


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