Hello everyone! This is a friendly reminder that any of these fun places we may visit, we are a guest at. Please treat both businesses and trails with the utmost respect. We here at Hidden San Diego follow the 'Leave no Trace' mantra, meaning whatever you bring with you comes back with you. If you see trash on a trail, please do your part to help remove it. Remember, we are not picking up trash from another person but instead cleaning up for Mother Nature. Happy adventures!
Dog-Friendly: No   Kid-Friendly: No
Personal Experience: I have been able to gather virtually no information on this mine or the backstory of the alleged abandoned migrant camp. If anyone can offer any information it would be greatly appreciated. I was able to find that this mine grossed $450,000. It looks like this mine was part of the Madden claim which is at an elevation of 3,360 ft. The mines in this claim included the Madden Millsite, Antelope, Old Madden, Gopher and Curry claim.
The owner of the mines was C. W. Curry. On the Antelope Claim there is a crosscut tunnel driven southwest 550 ft., with 300 ft. of drifts on the vein. On the Madden Claim, the workings consist of a shaft on the vein to a depth of 100 ft., with drift north 60 ft. Idle.
This area was damaged in the 2014 wildfires. It was crazy to see how different the area looked from the last time we were out here. It is said that there are 30 mines in this area, many which are no longer safe to explore under any circumstances. We have personally explored the Warlock Mine, Golden Gem, Eagle mine and the Ready Relief claim claim on top of this one.
This poor place looks completely different since the last time we hiked here! A fire completely swept through it! One plus side is it is now easier to find new mines though:
I would leave your pup at home. There are people who squat/claim this land (even though I am pretty sure it's not actually theirs). Just be polite and obviously don't come here to mine. They have guard dogs though:The first squatter home we came across. Super innovative. It even has a roof deck!
Found it! If you ever choose to explore a mine, please make sure you come well-prepared with proper lighting (headlight) and mask to protect your lungs.
Spotted more ruins with my zoom lens up on the mountain. Another day, another adventure:
Gene S
I live about 5, miles from this spot we have found a lot of mining things out in the back country, we tell all the people not to go in to the mines we have in Julian, you will find Snakes and ? more in them in a cave you see it cool in there ? stay out of all caves you find up here in Julian calf.
June 12, 2015
To Michael (Admin)
We had to cross your property? Then you are probably the man we talked to, who gave us permission to explore and take photos. Were you the same guy which gave us pointers on which mines were considered safe and which ones not to? The same guy that gave us the history on this area?
August 22, 2015
Michael H
It seems you don’t understand that because you post these and warn other people to be respectful that you are still trespassing . Just like it says on the old truck. You had to cross my property ab well as my neighbors property to get to these mines.The old trailers and love that you have pictures of are more recent mining projects gone bad. Notice that all vehicles found parked on the property above and around the burnt house you have pictured will be towed and residents are armed.
August 22, 2015
Yea so that “abandoned” migrant camp isnt abandoned.. David Kennedy, the owner of the 5 or so acres, lives in that house in the picture just under “first sight of the camp”. A family of 5 also lives just east of that house a little down the hill. David’s a really nice guy and showed my friend and I around, even took us through the mine you have pictured but I’d suggest for the sake of his property you take down the “abandoned” part of this title. He’s had vandals come in and steal whole cars, take parts out of others, and even just go around breaking windows and other things found at the campgrounds. Searching “Gopher mine julian ca” pulls up the location no problem so not telling people where this is wont stop anyone. But please, for the owner’s sake, change this from abandoned. Because he doesn’t deserve all the trouble he’s been getting from random vandals probably getting the idea from this post.
October 27, 2015
You are trespassing. David Kennedy doesn’t own the diggins. Cliff Schaffer does, and it’s not 5 acres, it’s 50 acres. Too bad the tweakers steal everything they get their hands on .
February 17, 2016
Is David offering to sell any of the car wrecks? I’d be happy to give one of those sedans a new home
February 20, 2016
Hi Ridge Ranch
Those cars don’t belong to David, they belong to Cliff.
March 2, 2016
I’d sure like to know where the tweaKer camps are. I have a place that recently been pillaged by a guy who I believe is from Boulder Colorado. He drives a dirty scratched up black for pickup 4×4. Tall thin guy with blonde hair. He four byes all in them back hills and I’d like to catch his love. Handsome reward for a lead to catch him. Wears a black baseball cap with fluorescent trim with a fish hook in it. Any info please!
May 30, 2016
Citizen Scope
@Regional Policing Force (RPF) – Are you really watching this page!? WOW
June 15, 2016
Regional Policing Force (RPF)
We advise all of you to vacate the land and cease your visitation. If we find you there you will be subject to the full course of the law. This land is currently in dispute.
June 15, 2016
Citizen Scope
@Chris… how bad do you want to find this individual?
June 15, 2016
“Regional Policing Force” and what jurisdiction do you have exactly?!? My guess is you have none.
October 24, 2016
“Regional Policing Force” and what jurisdiction day you have exactly?!?
October 24, 2016
I recently explored this area with my friends and must warn anyone who ventures here the camp is not abandoned. We took a look inside and found a fire place was glowing embers and lots of food. As well as several knives sticking out of odd places inside. There is considerably more debris there as well. Upon exploration of severa small mines nearby we came to the conclusion that the individual is still mining in the area due to the amount of mining equipment found in the tunnels. SO BE CAREFUL
January 23, 2017
I have a question for everyone that can help. I am confined to a wheelchair and used to love to explore, but can’t now, so I am trying to find places I can drive to that’s worth going to. Not places people with spray cans have been, but where not a lot of people go. If anyone knows of any place like this please let me know. THANKS
April 21, 2017
Upon visitng this site my friends discovered a very large mine. It was well off the beaten path but we saw it from a distance and decided to venture forth. What we found was a shaft going straight down into the earth about 25 feet, maybe more. Then at the bottom it leveled out and went into the mountainside. Being without proper equipment we did not go down. However, it is clearly possible. There was a metal pole outside anchored into the ground for someone to tie a rope to and repel down. If anyone has gone inside I would really like to know what is there.
August 24, 2017
Just visited this site, and its an eerie place. I can’t say for sure if someone still lives in the migrant camp, but if they do they may be armed, as I found bullets on a table right outside of this entrance. There was also more modern equipment left inside the mine (relatively), although it still appeared at least a decade old. At the base of the trail (right next to Highway 78) there is an RV that definitely appears to be occupied, although I never encountered anyone. This site remains very easily accessible though. Its interesting but just stay safe.
September 3, 2017
Clifford Schaffer
@To Michael (Admin), You claim you have no knowledge of whom owns this place. You claim it is abandoned. I happen to own the property you have been trespassing on. I did not invite you nor did I grant you or Hidden San Diego the right to publish photos or any misinformed information you are so determined to put out there. You have no right and in fact you are placing yourselves and the public at risk by entering my mines. Since you have disregarded my requests to cease and desist your excursions on private property, my entire property has been vandalized. My antique vehicles have been stolen. My place is a shambles and I am filing a police report against you. My personal property is a sacred place. You will be contacted by my attorney shortly.
January 4, 2019
@Clifford Schaffer, you get them clifford
January 14, 2019
jdjdjlmj (mod)
This is public property/BLM land
February 7, 2019
@jdjdjlmj, no its not. it is patented land owned by clifford schaffer.
February 24, 2019
@Clifford Schaffer,
Odd. Lack of fences, lack of tresspassing/private property signs, etc. I have them all over my property. What else did you try to do to contact the owner of the site? I don’t think they check the comments section very often.
April 2, 2019
This really makes me lose respect for this website. They’re making a profit off trespassing and sending strangers to trespass as well. I would hate to have my land published on this site. That’s terrible. The police honestly should get involved before someone dies in a mine.
October 6, 2019
@Anonymous, Im so sick of pussies like u
May 21, 2020
@Clifford Schaffer,
Hey bud, ur an idiot. There are literally hundreds of homeless encampments on “your land.” The people exploring are in and out without a trace. How about you grow a pair and clean up the mess that YOU let culminate on the land that is allegedly yours. Oh you’re gonna call your attorney? He’ll ask how you let hundreds of homeless people chill on your land for so long and ask what is illegal about having pictures of unmarked land filled with trash and historic mines. Best of luck, “Cliff.” Psh.
May 21, 2020
Thomas Tefft
I was just here about 2 weeks ago. Not much has changed except the camps are even more decrepit and decayed, but still tons of trash and junk everywhere. I found 4 mineshafts and was planning to do some further exploration of the area but I saw some active miners nearby and I did not want to get into any kind of altercation and I was generally getting a little sketched out. It’s a shame that such a historic area is so dumpy and trashed as well as the fact that there is a complete lack of any indication that once you pass Warlock Mine it’s all apparently private property.
May 27, 2022